Winter Pajama Jam | January 30, 4:30pm-6:30pm
If you're a Level 1 volunteer and would like to progress to Level 2 to handle the cats at our shelter, attend a Cat Handling Course! You can sign up on our volunteer website, My Impact, under the Opportunities Calendar. Not a Level 1 volunteer yet? Watch our online orientation and submit an application to become […]
Creative Club | January 7, 3:30pm-4:30pm
10:15am | Benjamin L. Hooks Central Library, 3030 Poplar Avenue, Memphis, TN
We Ready: Career & Cash Confidence | January 8, 2pm-3pm
Worth The Risk Youth Arts | January 8, 15, 22, 29, 3pm-5pm
Stacking Paper: Teen Finance 101 | January 10, 2pm-3pm
If you're a Level 1 volunteer and would like to progress to Level 2 to handle the cats at our shelter, attend a Cat Handling Course! You can sign up on our volunteer website, My Impact, under the Opportunities Calendar. Not a Level 1 volunteer yet? Watch our online orientation and submit an application to become […]
January 15,2025 Agenda The Alcohol Commission meeting will be January 15th, 2025, at 9:00 a.m. located at 125 North Main - City Council Chambers (1st Floor).
Positive Solutions for Families | January 15, 22, 29 12pm-1:30pm
Positive Solutions for Families | January 15, 22, 29 12pm-1:30pm
Eating Smart & Moving More | January 16, 30 11am-12:30pm
Hand Lettering for Tweens | January 18, 11am-12pm
If you're a Level 1 volunteer and would like to progress to Level 2 to handle the dogs at our shelter, attend a Dog Handling Course! You can sign up […]
Jan 22: ARPA Homebuyer Celebration, 10am, Dave Wells Community Center
Positive Solutions for Families | January 15, 22, 29 12pm-1:30pm
Positive Solutions for Families | January 15, 22, 29 12pm-1:30pm
Embracing Autism | January 25, 10am-11am
AI For Your Small Business | January 25, 10:30am-12pm
Positive Solutions for Families | January 15, 22, 29 12pm-1:30pm
Positive Solutions for Families | January 15, 22, 29 12pm-1:30pm
Worth The Risk Youth Arts | January 8, 15, 22, 29, 3pm-5pm
Eating Smart & Moving More | January 16, 30 11am-12:30pm
Teen Painting Jam | Feb. 1, 2pm-5pm
If you're a Level 1 volunteer and would like to progress to Level 2 to handle the cats at our shelter, attend a Cat Handling Course! You can sign up […]