Public Safety
With 59 fire stations and nine police stations, the City of Memphis Police Department and City of Memphis Fire Department provide public safety services to the more than 650,000 residents of Memphis.
Community Policing
Find your precinct: Enter your address to find your station Uniform Patrol Division – Memphis Police Department
Learn how we are Reimagine Policing in Memphis
Connect Memphis Register your home camera to help keep Memphis safe
False Alarm Reduction Website To reduce false alarms, Memphis residents are now required to register their home security alarm systems.
Memphis Public Safety View crime data: a tool where you can explore incidents that have taken place in your neighborhood.
Parking Violations-Search for or pay a parking ticket online:
File a report online: Report Filing – TnMemphisPd (
Fire & Emergency Preparedness
Fire Station Locations Find the closest fire station: Maps and locationinformation for fire stations
Office of Emergency Management
Sign up for Memphis Alerts, to stay safe in an emergency with timely alerts from the City in advance of an emergency
Smoke Alarm Program: Free smoke alarm program
You qualify for a free smoke alarm if you meet the following conditions. If you live in the City of Memphis and own the property in which you reside and you do not already have a working smoke alarm and are not financially able to purchase a smoke alarm.
child safety seats
The Tennessee Highway Safety Office is working to help parents keep their children safe while riding. For a list of child safety information click here.