|Mayor Paul A. Young - Transition Team Recommendations

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oportunidades de financiación

(901) 636-7300

170 N. Main St. Memphis, TN 38103

M- F 8:00 - 16:30

Vivienda y desarrollo comercial

Programas disponibles:

  • Programas de construcción y alquiler de viviendas asequibles
  • Programa de Organizaciones Comunitarias de Desarrollo de la Vivienda (CHDO)
  • Programa de Oportunidades de Desarrollo Económico de los Barrios (NEDO)

Nota para los solicitantes: Por favor, envíe la solicitud completa con todos los anexos requeridos y la lista de verificación de presentación a la Ciudad de Memphis a través de su enlace seguro preferido (por ejemplo, DropBox) a [email protected]. Esto se aplica a todos los programas descritos anteriormente con la excepción de la Ronda 2 del Fondo Fiduciario de Vivienda Asequible de Memphis.

Consulte aquí la información sobre el programa

Fondo Estratégico de Inversión Comunitaria (FECIN)

The Division of Housing and Community Development (HCD) administers Federal and City funds for programs that carry out its mission. While many programs are carried out through HCD directly, others are contracted out to eligible organizations on a competitive basis. The Strategic Community Investment Fund (SCIF) provides an opportunity for organizations and agencies to submit competitive applications. The funds available on a competitive basis are awarded to eligible nonprofit organizations to implement community and economic development programs. Notably, the two previous funding cycle (PY23-PY24) witnessed the distribution of nearly $10 million in grants and loans to local nonprofit organizations. If you are interested in learning about organizations and programs funded in that period, please check the related documents in the “SCIF FY2025” folder on this link.

The funds through this process are primarily available for programs that benefit low and moderate-income persons of Memphis.

HCD will accept applications for SCIF during the Winter of 2024. Programs

available for competitive grant application submissions for FY25 will include the following programs:

· Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)

· Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS/HIV (HOPWA)

· HOME-Funded Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (HOME – TBRA)

· Neighborhood Partnership Grant (NPG)

All applications must be submitted via the online “Neighborly” portal between Diciembre 11, 2023, 8:00 am and Febrero 2, 2024, 4:00 pm.

If you are interested in learning more about this opportunity please watch the recording of the GRANTS PRE-APPLICATION WORKSHOP that took place on Diciembre 11, 2023.

HOME ARP Request for Proposals for Tenant Based Rental Assistance and Supportive Services

The City of Memphis Division of Housing and Community Development (HCD) is seeking qualified nonprofit organizations and/or public entities to submit proposals to function as the City’s subrecipient to: 

  1. Provide supportive services, and/or 
  2. Provide tenant-based rental assistance (TBRA), including both rent and security deposit assistance. “
Applications are available beginning Septiembre 12, 2023 with a deadline of Octubre 13, 2023. 

Llame al 311 para solicitar un servicio

Llame al 211 para solicitar servicios comunitarios


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