|Mayor Paul A. Young - Transition Team Recommendations

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125 N. Main St. Room 700 Memphis, TN 38103


BUILDING TOGETHER: Mayor Young Weekly Updates

Each Viernes, Mayor Paul A. Young sends his Weekly Update to more than 30,000 constituents. His goal is to celebrate our momentum while describing precisely what we’re doing about our challenges.

Abril 26, 2024: Building a Better Memphis: FY25 Budget Presentation Recap and Community Updates
Abril 19,2024: 100 Days & Beyond
Abril 12: 2024: Prayers for  a Fallen Officer
Abril 5, 2024: Celebrating the Rebirth of MLK Reflection Park & Memphis Parks!
Marzo 29, 2024: Memphis Matters
Marzo 22, 2024: Downtown Delivers and More!
Marzo 15, 2024: Tackling Blight and Building Community Beautification
Marzo 8, 2024: Empowering Communities, Celebrating Women, and Springing into Action
Marzo 1, 2024: One Memphis: Building Bridges, Fostering Dialogue
Febrero 23, 2024: Learning in the first 54 days
Febrero 16 2024: Building Together: City of Memphis Weekly Update
Febrero 9, 2024: Empowering Youth, Securing Futures: A Vision for Memphis
Febrero 2, 2024:Unity in Diversity: Embracing Black History Month in Memphis
Enero 26, 2024: People; 3-1-1 Department
Enero 19, 2024:People; Our Working During the Storm
Enero 12, 2024: Week Two!
Enero 8, 2024: Week One!

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