City of Memphis Responds to Potholes Repairs Due to Winter Weather:

The City of Memphis is aware that the recent winter storm may result in a notice of an increase in the number of potholes on city streets. The primary cause of potholes is severe weather, including ice and snow, which triggers the recurring freezing and thawing of the roadway surface—a common factor leading to pothole formation during winter.

In response to this issue, the City’s Public Works Division will dedicate crews to pothole repairs over the next few weeks. The City is committed to quickly shifting resources and personnel back to street and pothole repair duties.

The City of Memphis uses two methods for pothole repair: Hot Mix Asphalt and Cold Mix Asphalt. Hot Mix Asphalt is preferred as it provides a more durable and long-lasting solution, making it a cost-effective choice for repairs. Cold Mix Asphalt is typically used only when temperatures are too low, typically below 40°F, preventing the use of Hot Mix.

Memphis owns and operates its asphalt plant, which allows the city to produce asphalt year-round. The costs associated with this operation are included in the Street Maintenance operating budget, and sufficient funding ensures that pothole repair efforts will continue without straining the city’s budget.

In 2024,  Public Works crews filled 82,149 potholes.  The City of Memphis encourages residents to report potholes by contacting the 311 system or calling 901-636-6500.  The goal aims to address all reported potholes within 5-10 business days.

In addition to potholes reported by drivers,  Public Works is using AI  to automatically detect potholes. As Public Works vehicles take their daily routes or are sent on specific routes, strategically placed cameras gather video footage of potholes detected. These images are reviewed for confirmation, and if approved, a 311 service request is created, and the pothole is filled/repaired.

The City appreciates the community’s patience and cooperation as crews work to restore the safety and integrity of Memphis roadways.